Wednesday 26 July 2017

What if

What if we could 3d print food

I think if we were to 3d print food it would be a massive loss of jobs with only a bit of employment. Most people would be poor or homeless making 3d printing food another problem with what ever country testing this having its currency go down the drain.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Social Studies :Human Rights

Nuremberg laws

'Only a person of German or similar blood is a citizen of the Reich (Germany). A Jew is not a citizen of the Reich. He has no vote. He may not hold public office.'
The Jews where not allowed to be a citizen

'Marriage between Jews and citizens of German blood is forbidden.'
Germans where not allowed to marry Jews

'Sexual relations outside of marriage between Jews and German citizens are forbidden.'
Germans are not allowed to do sexual stuff with Jews outside of marriage

'Jews are forbidden to display the national flag or the national colors'  
Jews are not allowed to have the national flag of Germany

Sunday 19 June 2016